What................!!!!!.....eeek..........what a dreadful ending, well at least hanging...grrrr
1. Doesn't Bree have two children? Where the hell have they been?
2. I hate that Rex died.. Damn, he was one of the male characters I really liked. They'd better spend next season after George..Of course, he could present quite and interesting story line don't you think?
3. What the hell is going to happen to Carlos now? I think he should get off and have to take care of the baby just the way Gabby said he should. Of course, if he doesn't try to kill John..
4. May Alice was quite awful wasn't she? I guess, if they weren't going to kill Paul off, they had to make Mary Alice the villain.. Paul almost looked sympathetic didn't he? Actually Zach did too...
5. No secret that Lynette was going back to work.. Her hubby looked happier than he had all season. That story line could be quite funny.
Finally, Zach had better not kill Mike. I heard him sing yesterday at the Cubs game, and although he wasn't bad......He needs to keep this job, he's better...and quite fine to look at too!!!
So what was your opinion of the finale? Although I'm a bit frustrated with it, because they kept advertising that all this stuff would be solved, the only thing solved was Mary Alice's suicide...But the unfinished story lines, will guarantee everyone watching at the start of next season............mmmmm
One final note. Don't the new neighbors look like a great story line? Lets hope so since we don't have Mary Alice's story any more...by the way, I hope Paul gets out of the desert......poor guy, he's there until September....