Wouldn't you know I slept late today. Geeze. I was planning to on being on the road by now. Or at least close to it. I am neither. Maxi keeps going to the door and staring at me. He doesn't understand the concept of coffee....It's going to be a lot safer on this drive if I actually have coffee in me..
I'm going to be with all of my siblings this Thanksgiving. This is the first time we've all been together since 1992 which, unfortunately was my Mom's funeral. We've all had so many ups and downs since then. Our lives have changed, most all for the good. I am so looking forward to this get together. Family and Food....what more could anyone want for Thanksgiving. Everyone is cooking something so no one has to do everything and we can relax and enjoy each others company
Both of my children are happy and healthy. Xzhibit is staying home and his dad is visiting and Zoot will be with her in-laws family so they are all fine too.
So, this is a good Thanksgiving. I have so very much to be thankful for and will do so every single minute.
Everyone have a wonderful and more importantly SAFE holiday weekend. See you in a few days.
Posted at 09:34 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
I'm trying to get ready to go away tomorrow. My doggie and I do not travel lightly. I don't know why, I think I'm afraid I'll not have something I need...It's not like I'm going out of the country. I'm driving there and back and there are plenty of stores etc should I forget something. go figure
It's snowing, by the way. Yep. Looks like a fricking blizzard out there. It's been too warm for the snow to stick to anything but I am driving through some "higher elevations" so I'd really prefer that the snow go somewhere else. I was going to start loading up the car but its just plain freezing out there and the snow keeps blowing in my eyes/glasses. grrrr.
Maxi knows we're going somewhere. He just doesn't know when or where and he's jumpy as a little frog. I brought the cooler down here for some of the cold foods and he knows if that's downstairs...............we be leaving.....He loves my sisters house and yard so he'll be a happy camper especially if it warms up. It's supposed to be 57 here on Thursday so it'll probably be just as nice in middle Tennessee. That folks will be fine.
Did you watch Amazing Race last night? I hated that the Chow (sp) brothers went home. They were my favorites to win. I guess now, its the two male models. I don't want the blondes to win and I can't stand that couple. I really don't see Alabama winning but if they do, that's just fine too.
Ok, I'm leaving tomorrow am. I'll try to post then but I don't know how much access I'll have on the road. (Oh for a laptop) Just in case I don't have much...Happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks for being my "friends"......
Posted at 01:26 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
I was so tied up yesterday with the "cookbook". There hasn't been the response this year and so I was researching cookbooks and everything. We have to have it done by Monday for two reasons. 1.) I'm quitting this stuff on Tuesday ...2.) It needs to be done and copied byt 12/1 soooo... I still could use some recipes if anyone wants to add a few...Thanks in advance BUT............
Today is my blogaversary!!! It's been two years today and I've loved every single minute of it. I've "met" some fantastic people and come to really care about people who I've never laid my eyes on. There's a lot to be said for "this" bloggin' and I'm so happy that my daughter (the runner) introduced me to it. Have a lovely Sunday folks and I'm going to visit today.
Thanks friends...
Posted at 08:37 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (5)
I know its November 4th but I'm going to ask early this year. We're going to do our fundraiser "Toys for Tots" again this year and we're doing a cookbook again to sell at the final fund raiser..December 1st. With the holiday's approaching and I'll be out of town most of Thanksgiving week, I need to get started so.. Can you, any and all send me at least one recipe for the cookbook. We don't do it really fancy. I kind of type up the recipes and decorate each page with some kind of decoration, we make copies and put them in a small binder thingy and sell them. We raise money for children who's Mom's are in the shelter for abused women. These kids usually don't have such a hot Christmas anyway and we just try to help the along with that. Food and toys and clothes. So please, if you can send me at least one or many recipes I would really appreciate it. You can email them to me at emptynestatgmaildotcom. Thanks in advance..really.
Posted at 01:56 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
It's pouring here...That's ok though, I feel like sleeping all day anyway...Did you watch BB last night? I tell you what I'm worried about Erica...I'm worried for her if she doesn't win..and do you really believe her attitude towards Boogie. She's wanting to have his baby?...sh*t.....She's nuts. At least Janelle seems to have some brains. And if she's really smart she'd bump Will right out of there.
Remember the QB for the Steelers who had the motorcycle accident a few months ago? Well, his appendix had to be taken out yesterday and one of the headlines on TV this morning asked if it could have been caused by the motorcycle accident........... nuff said..
Ok..off for the day. If anything happens exciting, I'll fill you in. Otherwise I hope the weather is nice where you are..
Posted at 10:50 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Happy Sunday. Day three of my second four day weekend in a row. What a night last night. Last season for Volunteer fans sucked so bad, and a good deal of us expected to lose last night..Or at least nearly lose. No one expected what happened on that football field last night. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not sending us to Phoenix just yet but it sure does make it easy to look forward to the football season.
Who the hell decided to run the Nascar race at 8pm tonight? What idiot. I stayed up past my bedtime last night watching the football game and I'm going to have to take a nap to watch the race. grrr.
BB is on tonight. For some reason I'm not looking forward to it any more. Maybe it really isn't that good, its just something to watch during the summer...Just saying. Anyhow, I know who won HOH, and I know who won POV. That might have something to do with it.
I saw my nephew on TV last night. I actually wasn't sure it was him until I got an email from him this morning telling me where he was sitting and by gosh I think I did see him. He's not from here and this was his first UT football game...Thank god we won.
Its beautiful here today. Maxi and I may take a little trip somewhere. I'm seriously hoping that the hot weather doesn't come back. These 60 deg. mornings are fantastic..There's a big fireworks show tonight too. I'm going to try to get some great pictures if I can figure out my camera..
Have a great day folks and if you're hungry I've got spaghetti on the stove..........Bring the wine.......
Hi son..
Posted at 12:28 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0)
Nope, I'm not at work...Another four day weekend to celebrate Labor Day...Vols football....the start of fall...Its just plain my favorite time of year. Always was, always will be..
BB...What a bunch of damn dumb women. The only chance either one of them have is to go against each other not Will or Boogie. I was really pulling for George though. Despite his godawful costume. I don't know what/who I want to win now. I guess I want either Will or Janelle (who is really stupid). I really don't want Boogie to win and I can stand Erika either....I know who won HOH for Sunday. Its not making me happy either...
TV Commercial. The last time I bitched about a TV commercial was the Quizno's baby. I hated those but now....There is one that's worse, and annoys me more that just about anything....Its the new Burger King commercial about some special burger that "makes a man out of you", For some reason, after seeing that commercial I would die of hunger before I'd eat that burger. About the only thing that commercial accomplishes is, IMHO, is that only men will eat those damn burgers. I know this, I'd never eat one...Not ever...
One of the reasons the "talking radio heads" said UT might with the football game tomorrow is....weather. Its hot, humid and miserable this time of year and the Cal guys aren't used to it..........BULLETIN. Its going to be in the low 80's and supposedly not so humid....... bad news...
Have a great day guys..........I'm going to enjoy my day off..
Posted at 08:26 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
Well, no,...its not the holiday but this year is really confusing as far as "enjoying the holiday". The darn thing is on Tuesday, and I don't know about you but...I work tomorrow...If you're off, I hope you have a loverly holiday weekend. I'm going to a cook out on Tuesday. Its 20+ miles away and I'm not complaining but since I have to work on Wednesday...........home early. Oh yeah, and the 20 miles thing. No heavy imbibing..I have no doubt that I'll have a great time and I think the 4th should always be celebrated on the 4th I'm just going to whine for a little bit...I'm done..
See, if you saw the baseball game between the Cubs and White Sox, be glad I'm only whining about the holiday and not repeating a million times "JUST GET THE THIRD FUCKING OUT ALREADY!!!". Damn closer
Posted at 11:37 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tn Chick is having a July Contest. I hope I do this right.. I've got the pictures and I have to link back to her post. I've never done this before but here goes.
Picture No1 is my National Flag and since I have one right outside my window, here
is that picture.
The next is a Fire Truck..The only time I saw a fire truck was when I didn't have my good camera, I only had my phone and this picture looks like it but...here it is
Then next is something red, white and blue all in one place so...where better than a Cubs/Braves games (especially 2 yrs ago) so here's that picture
oh yeah, and these are drunk Cubs fans abusing Chipper Jones. The final picture could be barbecue or fireworks. I chose fireworks and here's that one..
Posted at 05:35 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (5)
Good Morning Folks and Happy Memorial Day. I don't know about you, but I hate that we have to have a holiday like this. Only because there are people who died fighting to give us a day like this. The freedom to have tributes to them and the right to do so. From what my mother told me, WWII was dreadful for my father. He very seldom mentioned it but when he was difficult, at best, to put up with,my mother always mentioned the war and what it did to him. I sent friends off to Vietnam. Some of them never came back. It was awful. So to all of the men who fought and came home and to the ones who didn't, and their families...this day is for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Posted at 07:02 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0)
Good Morning everyone...I feel great..slept until 8 am and that is very very good. It's beautiful here also. The sun is shining beautifully into my windows, everything is so darned green, its just a plain beautiful time of year........And I got a whole new supply of animal pictures in my email this morning to I'm going to start your day with a smile too...
Posted at 08:38 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
It's a beautiful day here and I hope it is where you are. I know Zoot is okay...When she called me yesterday, totally hysterical, she was going to pay 200.00 for a Cadberry Egg. She'd been such a good girl by not eating any yet and she was soooo looking forward to her treats. Fortunately, she found them in Walgreens and didn't have to pay 200.00 ...and she was happy.
Maxi and I are just going to chill out here today. I don't know why but I didn't sleep worth a lick last night. Everyone have a lovely day...and yes, I know my feet, below are a day late I'll be ready next Saturday......Join..its fun.
Posted at 09:51 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
Happy Friday, Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy the Vols won yesterday day!!....How's that folks....I'm afraid I don't have a lot to share this morning. I did watch "Barry Manilow" last night and I do so want the CD from that show. They have a DVD you can buy but its $120.00. If I had that much money to spend on a DVD, the money would go to ST. Judes......
I do have some corned beef, little potatoes and cabbage to put in the crock pot this morning and will this place smell wonderful when I get home tonight. I can NOT wait. I love this stuff but only eat it once/twice a year. You know..kinda like Turkey.
The weather guys last night said it would be 35 or less this morning. It's 53....Not complaining ..just saying its kinda hard to plan your wardrobe when the can barely the the darn temps withing 20.............grrr...
I have two brackets...one is shot to hell, the other one is still alive. Of course the one I filled out that's stinking I filled out with "preference to me winners" as opposed to ..at least pick the ones you know are good no matter who you're rooting for.. The one that's shot to hell had Syracuse making it to the finals...vs Ohio State. Syracuse is back home today...All I have left is OHIO state. I have Tennessee in the final four in that one, too.....Now the other one is in better shape My final four is still there. UConn, BC, UCLA and LSU...So there...I still have four there...One whole day ahead of us filled with basketball.........Idea here......Green beer...Thats it.. Have a good one everyone
Posted at 06:13 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE... Never been a big fan of this particular day. Probably because I either was not involved on Valentines Day or involved with someone who just didn't pay any attention to it...i.e., never knew it was Valentines Day..hehehe......"Hey Anderson, are you busy tonight?" ..
Don't ya love watching the news and the anchor just hates sports, doesn't think he should have to mention sports (i.e. Dan Rather) and then tries to report about the Dog show or the Olympics.............He just hates doing that......jerk and thank god for ESPN
TV....Not much on tonight. Most of the networks are running repeats...Fox isn't...House isn't supposed to be a repeat....There's a Queer Eye marathon ( I love that show) and there's a 5 year tribute to Dale Earnhardt on Speed....To be honest....I don't know if I can watch that. I've never been a bigger fan of anyone on this earth than Dale Earnhardt. I think I cried for two weeks easily..........and of course...Part Duex of the Dog show is tonight.........Of course, there's always Olympics. Curling is on now..
Everyone who's got "a significant other", enjoy today. And to everyone else who doesn't, and to the sexiest man I've seen in a long time, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU.............
Posted at 06:24 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (4)
Couch potato....That's what I've been all day. I took a long nap on the couch, changed my design a bit or a lot (sorry if anyone stopped by when it was brown) and made a collage circle. Thanks Deb..........What a stunning way to start a new year...on the couch..No, I didn't get drunk last night but I did stay up and I did have some wine. I'm not used to being up that late and drinking wine at that......Thank goodness tomorrow is still a holiday.
So far, football is ok. The Giants did win last night and it looks like the other teams that were supposed to win are doing just that.. Of course the Titans are getting the crap totally beat out of them 27-0...Makes ya proud doesn't it.. Carolina got in the playoffs, I think they play the Giants next Saturday.
Have a wonderful time with what's left today....Maxi is needing a walk...later folks.
<======This was this =====>
Posted at 06:15 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Good Morning everyone.....Plans tonight? Not me, I don't have a date or party plans what so ever. Haven't done anything on New Years Eve in forever...The last time I went out, I was home by 10 and Enza and I watched "the ball fall" and went to bed. So, how about you? What are you doing tonight? Oh yes, and there is a football game on so I can stay up and watch it....GO GIANTS............So see, I do have some sort of plans...me and Maxi.......
I took all of the inside decorations down yesterday. That is a good thing and today I'll put the rest of the downstairs back in order. I'm going to try to start the new year, with a little order in my surroundings. I am such a messy person. I can probably find anything I'm looking for because I know what "vicinity" some things are but I think I'm going to try to do more than "vicinityize" stuff. I'm going to try to put and keep them in one place where they belong..We'll see how long that lasts!!!
And, I'm going to seriously consider moving this year. It may be later on in the year but I'm going to really look around and see what I can find. My landlord took two days to get my porch light fixed (broke off) and this is one place you don't want to be at night without a light on your patio.. I'm getting tired of begging him to fix stuff. I still don't have a fence up from a tornado nearly three years ago..ggggrrrrrrr.
I did more circles last night. They're up on Flickr that you can access from the left column there but here's one that started as a picture of the holly bush in the front of the building......
So again, what are your plans tonight if any and if you're staying home, are you doing anything special there?
Posted at 09:36 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
Maxi and I slept until 7 am. I know, that's not really late but when you get up at 5:30 it is at least a bit later.. Tomorrow will be later of that I'm sure..
I'm going "shopping" this morning. Not really looking for anything special, I just feel like it. I'm also going to take down my Christmas decorations. They are now in my way...I'm very ready for them to be gone so they will be.........
Have a nice day and I'll be back later..............
Posted at 08:14 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
Morning everyone....Good news Hoss is back... I've been waiting for him to return to the blog world and here he is...This is good.
Did anyone see the final of the Neb./Michigan football game last night? No, I didn't see it live, I just saw a clip of it and good god we'll be seeing that for years...What a play, too bad it didn't work.. Along the lines of the "Music City Miracle".......
OK. Today is day three in a row..........Coming up...Four days in a row of days off....I am so darned excited...Time to put the house back to civilian living. Nice holiday season will end this week.
Don't panic. I'm not liking my "New Years" decoration very much so I may change it today or tomorrow. I was just seeing if I could get a "Circle" up there..and how it would look....Not too good huh?
Of course, I'll change it Jan 1st so maybe not...........
Ok., all I can focus on is get to work so the day will end and the LONG weekend will start.......Have a great day everyone
Posted at 06:20 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Ok, I had to change the name of Wednesday since all kinds of porn places seem to think the H*mp us literal..grrrrr
I"ve over slept so I've got to move it. Business is rather slow right now. I'm sure I've mentioned it that our company has been purchased by a pretty large company. Well, I think since former company went into business we were always doing inventory the week between Christmas and New Years. No one, and I mean not a soul, could take off any during this week. Not even a sick day. I remember many eons ago one of our salesmen tried to get the boss to let him go home sick and boss said "Nopey"...so he then puked all over the bosses desk. Anyhow, this is the first time we haven't had to do inventory...no freezing in the warehouse, no being totally filthy, tired, etc. This is wonderful but so many of us have no idea how to react without living through penalty of death week. It's pretty nice actually and I'm pretty sure as the years go by we'll figure out how to plan holidays. My kids can tell you, when it came to days after Christmas, they always knew "no...Mom's got inventory"..I'm very glad all of that is gone, and can't wait to get used to it.
Off and running to work guys. Have a great day and although I worked on pictures last night I still made a "circle"...........
This one was a picture of a calendar my sister has for 2006............just the cover..
This is Chloe. I love Chloe. I actually think Maxi "kind of " liked her....Just look at those eyes....................
Have a great day everyone..
EDIT...This is what I wrote this morning...Just forgot to hit save..so you're getting it tonight...........
Posted at 08:10 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted at 03:46 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted at 03:46 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 03:45 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 11:09 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Good Morning everyone. It's early and I'm up and going to start getting ready to head out to family.
I didn't want to change my alarm clock's alarms so I set my cell phone's alarm. All I can say about that is, if I used it everyday............It would be in smithereeens..Seriousley...a bazillion pieces...First of all, I didn't know what the hell that noise was and second of all...the sound......geeze..
And wouldn't you know, I get up, come downstairs, and see that I have email. Pour my coffee and sit down. someone who was so considerate and obviously had nothing to do put a response on last Wed. post (H**P Day) put the link to some porn site. What a lovely thing to wake up to on Christmas Eve.. I guess I'll have to change the nickname for Wednesdays' huh? And no, I'm not going to forward the link to anyone.. heheh. I didn't check it out either.
Well, I need to move it right along. I'll be back on Monday. I'm spending the holiday with my siblings. Some I haven't seen in years. It will be so much fun. I guess I need to get on the road before traffic gets really bad.....I'll send some pics from my phone is there's anyone reading blogs.. I would be you know, if I was here...
I do have one comment on baseball.. Johnny Damon looks just plain stuped as a Yankee. He looks like he belongs in the bottom of a shoe.............
Everyone have a wonderful, happy holiday weekend..
Posted at 07:03 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
Or something like that...For some of the people in my office, well, we have to work until noon but...we get 4 days next weekend. That's ok with me and pretty much every one else. What the boss did, was to give half of the people 1/2 day off today and the other half get next Friday. Working today or taking it off wouldn't have changed my Christmas weekend one bit so I decided to work today and start the new year with FOUR days off...Not a bad beginning don't you think?
Yesterday we had our "Christmas lunch" at the office. One of the bosses brought in his rotisserie and cooked a turkey breast all morning..........I WANT A Rotisserie...now.
That thing was wonderful. My toaster oven has a little rotisseirie in it but its not big enough for a turkey breast or even a large roast. Oh my goodness that was sooo good. We had a wonderful time and a lot of very very good food. Turkey, ham, Slaw, Texas Caviar, spinach dip, baked beans and tons of other "finger food".. I had 1/2 Pimento cheese sandwich for supper............Oh yeah, and the Texas Caviar was a hit..
You know, I have NO idea why the heck I got up so early. I'm pretty darn sure that traffic will not be a problem...Oh heck, maybe I'll go to Walmart and look at Rotisserie's...Believe me, it'll be the only time this weekend I'll go to Walmart!!!
Be back later, I have a feeling it'll be really really slow today at work...Here's another Circle.......Just deal with my addiction ok?
Posted at 06:23 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
It's that time of the year...hehehe
Posted at 02:18 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
One week and it'll be Christmas.. Good god it didn't take any time to get here did it?. I'm wrapping gifts to take with me when I go out of town. I'll only be gone from Sat am til Monday morning. I have no doubt that I'll have fun. I'll be visiting siblings. Some I've seen in the past year and some I haven't. I'll miss the Zoots and Xzhibit like the devil this year but not seeing the Zoots happens every other year. This is the first Christmas in a few years at least one of them hasn't been here. I tell myself that they're leading very successful lives and are very happy where they are. That makes me feel better. If my children lived so far away and I didn't think they were happy ...then I'd really be a worrying mom...and hell, I do that just fine now thank you very much.
OK, off to make some food to take with me and to finish wrapping...
My little sports personality is saying Go Peyton...and since he can't hurt the Titans by doing this undefeated thing I'll continue to pull for the Colts to go all the way to an undefeated season. Right thru to the Super Bowl. and that will be the last time...
Posted at 12:44 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Oh well it couldn't last but it sure was nice while it was.............Today...I actually got a stain out of my carpet of red candle wax. I was a bit concerned that it wouldn't come out but sure enough every bit of it is up...Thanks to paper towels, iron, bissell Spot lifter and Resolve....Of course, you have lots of carpet cleaner when you have a puppy dog who, although he doesn't pee in the house he'll hurl any darn time he chooses....They also took the black stain from the flame out too so at least the landlord can't charge me for the rug..Heck the darn things nine years old...........as if I'd give him anything...
Should I put the Titans/SF game on the TV? or should it just wait until Sporting News gives the score? We'll see...
Let me tell you Maxi had NO use for that hairless thing on my lap that I so OBVIOUSLY adored............Nopey
Posted at 01:16 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
Like Miss Zoot, I'm being careful about any family members who would rather not have their pics on the internet..
Posted at 06:10 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (7)
I'm home and everything is OK here. I had an absolutely wonderful time with my sweet daughter and you should see BOTH of my grandchildren. OMG I am so darn blessed on this earth everyone. I don't even know how to begin to tell you how much this holiday meant to me.. The entire family was there..Mine and MrZ's family too. Maxi had a wonderful time too...I must say though, ...I don't think he liked the motel a lick. and the elevator totally freaked him out. Everytime we got on it he walked back to the corner with his nose facing the walls where they met, and shook until the door opened....I learned the first time to hold on for dear life because he was going out of that thing and as fast as his little mashed potato butt could take him...what a hoot... He slept all the way home. I've got some great pictures and as soon as I get settled I'll post them for sure and go on even more about my days in Alabama and the idiots on the road on the way home......................
Posted at 04:15 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
It's 6 am here in K'town...I've been awake on and off since 1:30 a.m..Oh joy. I finally got up about an hour ago, which isn't too bad. I snuck out of the bedroom so I wouldn't wake Maxi up...Just how silly is that!...He's still asleep.
It's 29 degrees here this morning and I'm wanting no part of that crap. geeze. ...I'm good and ready to go to sleep right now...isn't that just great..I'm sure all of the sleepyness will be gone the closer I get to Alabama..
Everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend...Be safe, enjoy the Turkey. I'm outta here...and I'll have tons of pictures...........
Posted at 06:06 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
I hate to pack..I'll take everything I own for 3 darn days...That's just plain me..but I went outside a few minutes ago to put blankets etc on the seats for Maxi (you know, in case he hurls) and look what I saw as the sun was getting ready to set...
What do you think...Adobe made it a bit bluer than it was but the rays coming through those clouds was beautiful....Click to see them larger and hopefully I'll get better on Adobe
Posted at 05:09 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
Its Tuesday and I'm getting ready to hit the road early tomorrow morning.. I'm going to meet Miss Nikki for the first time....Say a little prayer that the snow they were talking about yesterday does NOT materialize. Its supposed to be 27 tomorrow morning and icy roads could keep me home. Or at least home until it melts....I probably won't sleep a wink tonight. Maxi, on the other hand, is acting quite dead on the couch right now. He's going to need rest before we get to Alabama and all of the Zoots dogs decide to play with him 24/7..heheh.....
I forgot that Xzhibit had given him a nickname of "mashed potatoes" last year but he didn't..He kept referring to him that way...You know, he does look like mashed potatoes,,nice and soft ones though.
My dinner was a hit last night...I made ribs, green beans, potatoes, and very burned corn bread. Don't ask about the corn bread but it was ok after you cut the burned tops off of it....After dinner we turned on the Kansas/Arizona basketball game. I stayed awake and rooted for KU with Xzhibits girlfriend while XZ slept on the floor...It was a great night and I'm just plain happy today, although a tad tired........
It's overcast and cold right now but I'm going to run to the drug store (well, probably drive) and come back and start.....
Have a great day everyone......
Posted at 08:57 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
Ah yes...One year ago today I started...Or close to this day...Before I really knew much about spammers etc I deleted a few days of posts but typepad says this is my start date, and since I pay them, I figured they'd be right...
I went out with some friends last night and celebrated. I have a bit of a "wineache" this morning. But..see its also my vacation time...Xzhibit is coming tomorrow and we all go to Alabama in a few days. I am so excited..
I also want to say thanks to everyone who sent me recipes. This is the biggest cookbook we've ever done. I took it up to the people who will put it together last night and everyone is so excited. I think we're going to start on next years book early next year so there isn't such a rush this time....We host a "tasting" party in a few weeks where a lot of the appetizers are made and sampled by everyone. There's a $10.00 donation to go to that and that money also goes to the needy families Christmas funds. That is also where the cookbooks will go on sale initially.. So see, you're recipes will be famous, at least in Tennessee. Thanks again for all of your help.
I'll let you know how it goes when we finally get the shopping etc done...
Ok, I'm off to get some stuff done. I have to check when the football game starts so I can be sure and avoid the traffic to the game...See how it goes when you're supposed to have a good team, and don't....You don't even know the time of the game...Vanderbuilt may just win this game and that, my friends, will be HELL...............
Posted at 08:41 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (5)
Posted at 09:13 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (7)
Happy Halloween everyone...It is Monday...I don't care if it's Halloween, it's still Monday ya know...and I forgot to put coffee in the coffee maker so getting up a few minutes early to get Maxi to the groomer....Down the tubes....I tell you what, though. I hope I don't get any trick or treaters...I bought somthing called Take 5 candy bars (little ones) and I really like those things...As a matter of fact there aren't too many left either. I don't think I'll buy them any more though...I so don't need any more "inches" anywhere...
I just have to say one thing about football....I'm really glad Teddy Bruschi made it throught the game last night...Being familiar with the "stroke" family of things I now know what some of the people I work with were thinking when I came back to work. The worry will pass but as first..........its just scary..
Remember when I said the Titan's were supposed to su*k? They do. And how in the hell did someone get on the football field and try to take the football out of Bret Favre's hands? Nice security huh?
Ok...enough I have to go get ready for work and load up Maxi....I'll try to take a picture of him with my phone at work and show his new self off.........heheh
How could I forget............
Posted at 06:13 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
You go ahead and try it...The only thing I don't like is...it didn't tell me which three were wrong...Damn
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
Posted at 11:42 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (2)
Can you tell how incredibly lazy I was yesterday. Took lots of phone pictures, didn't I? I also know that draping those lights around the patio will NOT get me a new fence. After all, its been 2 years since that tornado blew it down and I have no doubt that he has not intention of ever replacing it. Oh well.
Its beautiful here today. 63 degrees, no humidity, sun is shining and Maxi, once again is up next to the door (open to screen) and just looking out there. He so loves this time of year. I hope it stays like this for about 2 months. I love it too..
Don't have a lot of stuff that has to be done today. So, I guess I'll just relax and enjoy it.. You do the same.....................Happy Labor Day everyone!!!
Posted at 08:42 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
I was visiting Trucker Bob earlier and he referred to a wonderful post titled "Independence Day"...I'm sharing it with you.. Please go read it and see why it's really nice being an American..............
Posted at 01:36 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (3)
I have no doubt that I'll be ready to kill the neighborhood children and their fireworks, i.e. roman candles etc before too long. They're already going off and Maxi is losing his mind with all of the popping. I hope he can hang in there and I hope they quit at some decent hour tonight..
Posted at 09:46 AM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (4)
I found this one by myself, waiting on the Nascar race to start. Damn rain...
You Are 72% American |
Posted at 08:47 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)
Well, I didn't make it to the cook out I was invited too.. Long story and not worth telling but I'm home and making myself Easter Dinner....What am I having you ask? (too bad if you didn't 'cause I'm going to tell you..) I am currently cooking a turkey breast in the crock pot. This place smells wonderful...I love turkey and now I'll have lots of it for a while BUT......with this turkey I am going to have my absolutely favorite food in the world (well at least this time of year) You got it, asparagus....Its on sale this time of year and so I eat it almost every day..I swear this one guy I was dating, broke up with me because that's all I'd cook this time of year. I love this stuff, and much better than him. Last night I cooked it on the grill...Tonight it'll be in olive oil on the stove....and I'm going to love every bite of it.
Hope everyone had a nice day, I did so far, tomorrow is back to work........ick
Posted at 04:35 PM in HOLIDAY | Permalink | Comments (1)