Did you know that Black Olives are the best food on the earth? They are. I love them. I can eat them any time day or night and I can actually eat a whole can if I let myself (Well, I don't, not every time) Found out last night that if you're eating chips and 7 layer dip...top it with a black olive. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I didn't get to take my vacation that was supposed to start last Wednesday. I just had heavy duty stuff at work that just couldn't wait. I did geet 4 hrs on Friday afternoon. Better than nothing!!
So, since I had plans for my 6 day vacations (house duties) I have decided to do nothing. Well, at least today. The dogs and I are relaxing, gardening (You should see my garden in pots!!) I'll take pictures. I already have 5 tomatoes (green but growing). I've got some plants, cucumber, yellow squash that are going to need bigger pots. This is sooooo cool. This gardening stuff. I know when my husband first suggested we garden, being a displanted city girl I said "why should I did in dirt for beans when I can get them in cans 3 for $1.00 at Krogers". Yeah, we were different. Don't get me wrong, I still don't want to mess with the worms ets. My garden is in giant pots. No worm meetings here.
I'm going to grill all weekend. I have a pretty Ribeye for tonight. I have chicken, and ribs for the next two nights. I went to Sam's. I have enough of some stuff to last all summer. I hate going to Sams. Maybe I should go more often. I only go 3-4 times a year.
I hope everyone has a safe wonderful weekend. Thanks to all of our soldiers and vets and ancestors who gave us the freedom to enjoy this weekend and the wonderful opportunity to live in this country!!