I've had a wonderful start to my day. One of my sisters called and we had a wonderfully long conversation and I loved every minute of it. Now I'm inspired to steam my carpets. Thats all I had planned anyway. I just have to keep Rosco from barking at the damn thing. He runs back and forth like he's going to kill it. Hell, its still in pieces in the hall. Wait til I get the damn thing put together and turn it on!!!
To all the neighbors who felt the urge last night to shoot off thousands of fireworks....IT WAS ONLY THE FREAKING 3RD!!!!! My poor doggie about had a breakdown and it was so close to my house I was getting concerned myself. I need to see if I can find Rosco's valium and give it to him. If I can't find that I'll give him Benadryl. He was so scared last night. Shaking like a leaf and hiding in my lap. (He thought he was invisible!)
Today is the usual for me but I've taken the medicine and I'll be fine when it kicks in. Remodel my house is in my plans. New area rugs etc. After I clean the regular carpet.
Have a good/safe day everyone. TODAY IS THE FOURTH!!! (not tomorrow).