Its Friday....oh yeah!!!. I'm using my old laptop and realizing how much I have not fallen in love with Vista. Now, don't get me wrong, I'll beat this damn thing. Self learnin' is the only way I ever learned "computer" so I'll just have to start again BUT......Not this weekend....nopey....Know why? I am leaving for Huntsville right after work. I am so excited about seeing my children and their children. I've packed the gifts and wrapped them too. Nikki's (well 2 of them) are wrapped in Spidey paper. She does tend to love Spidey so of the packages has a stuffed spidey in it...............hehehehe... You shoud have seen Maxi when the talking toy I bought her.....began talking..He's very very doubtful about that one and....when I picked it up to take to the car all wrapped started talking again..I wish I had a camcorder.......
I'm taking the little "Vista" with me so I may be able to post etc while I'm there but if I don't get a chance, I'll have lots and lots of pictures. Monday, I'm taking Maxi to get his stitches out and he'll be looking a lot less like a quilt.......He's figured it out that we're going somewhere, he just doesn't know when ro why....
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Its going to be awesome here as far at weather...
Rockies won, Jags need to (suicide pool), and then these three.cincy, GB, NYG..That's my two "football thingys" and the three....that's a lot of money this week.