Oh man am I beat. I didn't think I was tired last night but this morning...different story. Oh and you should see Maxi. He has barely moved the entire time since we've been home.
Going and seeing Zoot run that marathon was so wonderful. Having read all that she went through to train, her total determination to do that race, and after I got there, the fact that she finished.........My daughter is amazing. I also go to see Xxzhibit and his finacee on Sunday and that was wonderful. She's a wonder. She's beautiful, but she loves my son and that's the best part. She's funny and put up with my whole family, that was there, very well. And if you read Zoots site, she uses the KRAZEE in reference to her family.............Well she's my daughter...Where the hell do you think she got part of that!!! My sister in law that hosted that lovely brunch is truly a saint. She worked so hard to see that everyone had a lovely time and I'm sure she knows how much I appreciated that. I miss living across the street from her.
Oh yeah, let me just tell you how wonderful grayhounds are, as in doggies. My Sister in law has two of them. They rescued them and since I've got to go do a thing or two here are some pictures of Koolade and Monster Man
This one is Monster Man. Isn't he a doll
This is Koolade. She's the sweetie from the moment you meet her.. Monster man needs a few minutes before he calms down...
And here they both are on the front porch.
Enjoy...Back later
Boy they sure are beautiful!
Posted by: Maribeth | 04/30/2007 at 11:05 AM