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It's hard to get a sky shot without including telephone wires. Sometimes I clone them out in Photoshop lol :)

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


I was always fascianted by those lines made by planes!
Good photo!
Happy holidays and happy Saturday hunting!
Mine's up too!

Barbara H.

Great photos! Love the color of the sky in the bottom one -- and though those lines are unsightly, I am sure glad for the "lines" of communication they make possible! And the top one is gorgeous.

Jenny A.

I posted a few photos today, too, so come take a look.

I like your second one because of the sky---electricity lines, and a sky with electrical storms, too? Cool!


I love both photos! The first is such a pretty sunset and I like how threatening and angry the sky looks in the second one.

My photo is up :)


What a gorgeous sunrise! And with those contrails across the sky as well, just beautiful! Hope you have a blessed Christmas.
Mine is up too.


I like the first shot best! Love the lines in the sky left by the planes, makes for a great take on the theme! Merry Christmas!


Beautiful job!

Mine's up :)


Oh WOW! That top pic is gorgeous! What a sky! And the bottom one is OMINOUS! Looks like quite a storm brewin'! Great shots for today - both!


Yes, the lines in the sky from planes (contrails) are so lovely first thing in the morning! Phone and electric lines make me crazy. I've got them right in front of me always making a great shot of my lake tough.


That first photo is lovely!

Mine is up

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