Guess what I watched last night (oh yeah BB...later on that). I was sitting here going through Comcast's "On Demand" and they have a Alfred Hitchcock category. Right now you can watch Psycho, Vergito, Rear Window, Topaz and REBECCA!!. I loved Rebecca, loved the book and so I watched it again. It had been so darned long since I had seen the movie that it might as well have been a first time. It was fantastic. I can't wait to watch the others. Generally I haven't been thrilled with the "on demand" feature with Comcast but until I run out of AH movies I'll be just fine with it. Gosh I loved that movie...and it also helped keep me awake for BB with started an hour later last night....and yes. today is another 3 cupper....OHHHH SLEEP...please.
Ok BB. (Kinda pales after Rebecca). It was great don't you think? And after seeing the "issue" over the dolls, it looked to me that James never had the correct doll. It looked like they were fighting over the Howie doll not the Kaysar doll. According to Jackie's last post it looks like James really might go. That would be fine if you ask me. I dislike him a lot. I'd rather Will win than James. I think, as far as the final three....I'm pulling for Janelle, George and Will. If Janelle and George can pull that off, it finale would be most interesting don't you think? I'm also thinking, if I was on that show...I'd toss Janelle as quick as I could. She's way too popular. So, as a non participant I want her to win, if I was a participant I'd want her gone and NOW..Thursday should be interesting, if James makes it without going nuts...
I've decided to NOT get the A/C fixed. My budget is too strapped right now and its causing me all kinds of stress. I'm not going to die or anything from the heat, no matter how hot it is so I'm going to let it go. I slept a whole lot better last night not worrying about that. Yeah me...
I loved "Rebecca"...."Vertigo" tonight maybe....
Im watching BB in total amazement that NO ONE has figured out that from DAY 1 Chill Town needed to go.....
Posted by: Laura | 08/23/2006 at 08:19 PM
This is the first BB I have really been addicted to actually watching. Usually, with all the other BB's, I'd see the first episode then follow-up with the website and just read what was going on.
But somehow this one seems meaner, more conspiracy action, AND I think that's because of the way it's being edited. It used to be that you already knew the outcome of each vote before you watched it. This time, I've been really shocked at who ended up going out the door.
I'm hoping that the final three will be George, Danielle, and Will. I despise Will because for a doctor, he's really devious!
And I think that George will win overall. Everyone seems to think that he's such a patsy, but he's proving to be quite the little strategy-maker himself!
Posted by: JJ | 08/23/2006 at 07:57 AM