So far the one I saw that cracked me up and kept me watching was the Budweiser on with the Clysedales and the sheep with the sheep streaking. I loved that one. So far my favorite...I also luved the baby Clyseldale pulling the carriage....
Hummer baby from the Robot and the Monster....... ok...not wonderful.
Whopparettes? Didn't like that at all...Neither did I like the guy hiding the "Bud Lites" in the office....Good idea...but the ad stunk.
The Michelob Amber with the tackling was ok but not great.
To anyone who lives near Maryville Tn, and Sweetwater TN..How much money does Halls Salvage Have?
So far, I haven't seen one that blew my socks off but the Clysedales have taken the night as far as I can tell...............Now its still the 3rd quarter so things could change...
Also loved the sheep streaking and the little Clydesdale. The whopperettes one was stupid until the end when they were falling on top of each other to make the sandwich.
Posted by: Hazel Hazel | 02/06/2006 at 12:07 AM