Well, I'm at work today and I get this e-mail from a co-worker wanting to know what Hummus is...You see, my co-workers read Zoot and she had read Zoots post about hummus and potato chips...My co-worker, the great Yah goddess, has never heard of hummus.. Now, in all honesty, I had heard of it but never even tried it before so, as usual, I wasn't much help to the magnificent Yah...But she googled it and found the description and asked what the hell Zoot was doing eating that..
Keep in mind Yah, the great goddess, has known Zoot since she was quite tiny...So she likes to keep up on Zoots stuff. i.e, holds cheerleading for the teeny zoot...(you should have been there last Monday with the call that baby was ok) etc..
Well to make a long story short, I decided to stop and get some and try it...Zoot had mentioned red pepper hummus so I got one of those, and the second one is garlic/artichoke...Let me just say this....The red pepper stuff tastes like sh*t...but the garlic/artichoke is pretty good. Why did I buy two you ask.? Because I'm one of the biggest dummies in the world. If it says 2 for $5.00 I buy two. Thank goodness I haven't fallen for the 10 for $10.00 that has been pushed lately...I'm pretty much just stuck on the 2 for's
Anyhow, this was the hummus story and your introduction to Yah the great goddess...She and I have worked together for 16 years. I have some of her very special art which, if I can get it out of my camera, I will post and show you her immense talent. And I'll try to find out if she tried the hummus!!! hahahaha ...NOT
Has anyone else tried this hummus stuff and what is it good for..I just did it as a dip but I"m open to suggestions. I'm going to bed now, I'm tired. I've got Comcast's version of TIVO ready to tape Numbers............Wasnt' Joan of Arcadia great tonight? More on that later........
Cubs are losing.....shit.