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Both teams having to vote someone off last night seemed very out of place and without reason. Wonder if they thought the show would be in a very different place at that point (meaning the teams pretty even). I agree that making them eat in front of the other team was downright mean. I think Koror played down their excitment very well. They could have made the experience so much worse. I did like the twist of having Koror vote for immunity.


I think JAMES should have gone, he is nothing but a bossy, complaining, figure pointing jerk! Angie and Steph are the strongest competitors on the team.

There are a lot of mean things going on - I dont like that aspect of it.

This season seems to be the hardest one for living without food, they are never eating. I would DIE!!!!


Those girls carried that tribe.. poor Angie..


I watched Survivor a few times long ago, but stopped when my big brother gave me a hard newgy to my head, but I survived, which is good!

I hope you sleeped well last night, and had nice dreams, bout icecream and Twinkies!


I am TRYING but I am just not feeling the love for any of them so far.


okay, so after every reality show i watch, i come check your site because you think the same way i do, and it makes me laugh!!
god bless you!!!


What I don't understand is why Stephanie voted for Angie in the tie-breaker when she voted for Bobby Jon in the first vote. Angie was the only one getting it done besides Stephanie, and I think they'll regret voting her off.

Oh, and I agree that it was terribly mean to have Koror eat in front of Ulong. And don't think Ulong will forget it...

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